SNAKE ATLAS (serpent lightning leads to water; for my father who was bitten, so the rattler also resides in me)
   Wall:   Drawing for Cormac McCarthy (fuck The Judge)  , 2020, watercolor pastel, ink, handwriting on paper.  Shelf: front and back covers, 6 of 18 pages,   SNAKE ATLAS,   2019-2020, acrylic and pencil on ragpaper made from corn husks, cactii, and
     The First Mark (diptych in red and black)  , 2020, acrylic on cornhusks
     Robert Smithson’s rattlesnake head in a jar  , Robert Smithson and Nancy Holt papers, 1905-1987, bulk 1952-1987. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Courtesy Archives of American Art. Blood quartz and golden obsidian artist’s own.
   Left:   On Art History (for Aby Warburg)  , 2019-2020, acrylic and handwriting on 35mm projector slides    Right:   On Art History (for Gloria Anzaldúa)  , 2019-2020, acrylic and handwriting on 35mm projector slides
     The Rattler  , 2019-2020, acrylic, marble chips, plywood, and hand-polished Cerrillos turquoise
3D Virtual Tour
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SNAKE ATLAS (serpent lightning leads to water; for my father who was bitten, so the rattler also resides in me)
SNAKE ATLAS (serpent lightning leads to water; for my father who was bitten, so the rattler also resides in me)

SNAKE ATLAS was commissioned by Addison Gallery of American Art and included in the exhibition Wayfinding: Contemporary Artists, Critical Dialogues, and the Sidney R. Knafel Map Collection (October 17, 2020 - February 28, 2021) curated by Allison Kemmerer and Stephanie Sparling Williams. See full description of Wayfinding here.

Music for SNAKE ATLAS was created by Chad Turner, inspired by a camping trip with Josh in Far West Texas. These five original tracks (on loop in the gallery) can be heard here.

   Wall:   Drawing for Cormac McCarthy (fuck The Judge)  , 2020, watercolor pastel, ink, handwriting on paper.  Shelf: front and back covers, 6 of 18 pages,   SNAKE ATLAS,   2019-2020, acrylic and pencil on ragpaper made from corn husks, cactii, and

Wall: Drawing for Cormac McCarthy (fuck The Judge), 2020, watercolor pastel, ink, handwriting on paper.

Shelf: front and back covers, 6 of 18 pages, SNAKE ATLAS, 2019-2020, acrylic and pencil on ragpaper made from corn husks, cactii, and clothes worn throughout hikes in West Texas. Collection of the Addison Gallery of American Art.

See the full SNAKE ATLAS here.

     The First Mark (diptych in red and black)  , 2020, acrylic on cornhusks

The First Mark (diptych in red and black), 2020, acrylic on cornhusks

     Robert Smithson’s rattlesnake head in a jar  , Robert Smithson and Nancy Holt papers, 1905-1987, bulk 1952-1987. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Courtesy Archives of American Art. Blood quartz and golden obsidian artist’s own.

Robert Smithson’s rattlesnake head in a jar, Robert Smithson and Nancy Holt papers, 1905-1987, bulk 1952-1987. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Courtesy Archives of American Art. Blood quartz and golden obsidian artist’s own.

   Left:   On Art History (for Aby Warburg)  , 2019-2020, acrylic and handwriting on 35mm projector slides    Right:   On Art History (for Gloria Anzaldúa)  , 2019-2020, acrylic and handwriting on 35mm projector slides

Left: On Art History (for Aby Warburg), 2019-2020, acrylic and handwriting on 35mm projector slides

Right: On Art History (for Gloria Anzaldúa), 2019-2020, acrylic and handwriting on 35mm projector slides

     The Rattler  , 2019-2020, acrylic, marble chips, plywood, and hand-polished Cerrillos turquoise

The Rattler, 2019-2020, acrylic, marble chips, plywood, and hand-polished Cerrillos turquoise

3D Virtual Tour
3D Virtual Tour

Take a 3D virtual tour of Wayfinding here.

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All photographs by Frank Graham, courtesy of the Addison Gallery of American Art.